
Davina, also known as 'Davi' to her drug lord, spends her days behind the computer. …Nope...not as an IT, not looking up porn (She's made a few…of the homemade kind, of course) and not on WebMD, trying to figure out why she has these chronic coughs and trippy illusions (blame that on her drug lord.) Oh…So, you wanna know? Curiosity killed the cat, ya know? Meow Meow. Alright. I guess I will tell you, but take it how you want. People on Carmen Sandiego, Matlock, and Andy Griffith have tried to figure out the truth…and well…you've seen what's happened to those shows. Okay...if you really wanna know, first you will have to: Turn down your BeeGees, put your pants back on, and put down the whiskey..

She spends her days behind the computer, looking at inmate mug shots. It's not a sick fetish though; her creator (Shawn/God) has that fetish. Some have said it's because she's looking for her soul mate, Elvis. After watching the "Jailhouse Rock" video, over and over with the thrusting, she believes Elvis is still in that jail. She believes that he could have burned his face on something, had a few teeth knocked out, or had to shave his head…so, she has to pay close attention and examine every picture. The second "story" is that she's trying to get character ideas for her next "homemade video." The third "story" is she's looking for her soul mate, became so infatuated with some of these characters in the photos, that she had to go on a mission (a mission from her God, some say,) and travel to each of these Jail Houses. Some even say, that after she realizes one of her inmate lovers isn't Elvis, she…okay...make sure you have the lights off and doors locked, for this one. She takes them home, drowns them in a pool of laundry detergent, with a sock gagging them, washes their dead filth on her washboard, and chops them to pieces. Portions of their bones go in her egg. Portions of their flesh make her raggedy, yet unique, clothing line. Portions of their body make new instruments…a.k.a. new noises for her to call out her heart to Elvis. The remains of their blood, she drains into her flask.

Take this how you will. I mean, Snopes has real no answer. Everyone is too scared to admit the truth, and some mouths have been sewed shut to not admit the truth....and well, some aren't around anymore to admit the truth.